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My Course…


So I embark on a journey, along this crazy life’s path,

With no idea of what lies ahead in store for me,

So I gather my courage, morals & beliefs with a clenched fist,

And set off for my journey unknown…

And along the way, I meet a drunkard,

Still tightly holding onto his bottle of life in a tight embrace,

Chanting slogans from the other world that he seemed to be in,

He sips from his bottle of life, as if trying to refill his empty life,

And slowly, like a leaf falling from a tree, dances to the ground…

So I move closer, take him by the hand and like dust, he swirls up,

Resumes his chanting and with a broad smile, swaggers on…

Shortly, my attention is drawn by a distant voice,

One that seemed to be in dire need, of an extra hand, a helping hand,

The voice grew louder and louder with each earthly step I took,

Though all the other travelers in this life’s path seemed to be deaf,

A few more steps and I was staring at half of a man,

He lacked both legs and how he got there, only he knew,

The hoary metallic bowl in front of him looked triple his age,

I fumbled through my hollow pockets for any remaining pennies

And the jingle as the bowl engulfed the little pennies,

Seemed to pull the strings of his heart for a smile, a genuine smile,

A smile from this grotesque of a man was like rain in the harmattan,

So I take a second to stare around, at the passing shadows of men,

With their folded faces, shining muscles, cold hearts and unblinking eyes,

Stumping the ground firmly with their experience-hardened feet!

None of them seemed to dare, care or share;

“Everyone for himself” seemed to be the slogan for this journey,

But I don’t despair; I recollect my fading hopes and tread on …

I stare at the never ending stretch ahead of me, and then I pause

It’s certain that I won’t make it to the end, but that’s cool with me,

This life is like a relay race; you do your part, hand over and stop,

This is my course in life, to help whenever I can

I may never be there for everyone but certainly, I’ll be there for someone,

So I call it a day, I have run my race and inwardly, my heart is at peace                                                                                  


Some great quotes by great people

"Whatever words we utter should be chosen with care for people will hear them and be influenced by them for good or ill."




"Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words."


                 ~Robert Frost

"Inspiration comes from so many sources. Music, other fiction, the non-fiction I read, TV shows, films, news reports, people I know, stories I hear, misheard words or lyrics, dreams... Motivation? The memory of the rush I get from a really good writing session - even on a bad day, I know I'll find that again if I keep going."


                   ~Trudi Canavan

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